September 8, 2008

Run for your lives!!!

I like police movies. Kakka Kakka is one of my all time favs. Saami is also a good flick. Just when I thought there won't be anymore cop flicks, Satyam came. With all the hype given, 6 pack abs and all, I expected it to be a block buster, or atleast a good flick. I was a little disappointed when it was said Satyam was flop. I had seen some great films like 'Anbe Sivam' (Kamal, my all time  fav.)  become commercial flops due to the bad publicity given by ppl. So I made up my mind and saw the movie.*gasp*

The first thought that came to me: Ppl were not wrong this time. Whoa! From the first scene where he flies from one side of a bridge (not the end, the side) from nowhere, grabs a criminal and flies through the other end, till the last scene where the introduction song is repeated, the movie sucked. I had initially seen clippings of the movie in various reviews and the scenes had been good. Now I realized with horror: those were the only good scenes! Nayanthara, though flickers for a few moments, is nothing but a commercial element that only helps in slackening the pace. Even the children are of no use. It only shows how pitiably tamil cinema is dependent on commercial features. The concept of comedy remix is good though.

The fights was where I found that there are places on earth where gravity can be defied. The fights were so long that I was chatting with my bro til it ended. Seriously. No need to mension the car chases.Vishal has built his body. That's justified. He has shaved his head and mustache because his mother died since this is tamil cinema. That just sucks. The last scene totally lacks logic and i wondered who the idiot was: hero,  the villains, the police standing there, or the audience watching it.

When at last the movie ends, you are smiling, not for the movie, but for something else you had been chatting about, or even if for the movie, for your foolishness on spending money. I need not say what the few good scenes are, for all the channels have already telecasted them. So I suggest, see only the scenes in tv, and be content with the feeling that Satyam is a good movie.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the review Mani...i guess i wouldn't even bother watching it on pirated CD's..:)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Glad I could be of help; Sad i didn't get to see your review :)

Kartz said...

:) Hmmm... Don't think I will watch it either.

I have tagged you in to post. Do it when you are free...

Matangi Mawley said...

:) thnkx for the warning.. i was actually invited my sme frnds to see the movie! nw i know wht to reply them..

Anonymous said...


On the contrary, I would like you to watch it and would love to read your caustic comments.

Anonymous said...


Glad I could help! Welcome to the blog!!

Chandrasekharan said...

machi, thanks for the review.... i wont risk my life watching that movie...

bdw, ur blog is simply awesome... both the posts and the other gadgets :)

PS: do mail me at my yahoo id for blog updates...

A said...


Machi thanks da.. Glad you like it.. I'll update you whenever the blog is updated. And Btw, no more an active blogger eh?